
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Increase your strength with exercise, not with medicine

Ubqari Magazine - December 2013

Obviously your life style, convenience and resources are very important while selecting the kind of workout you can do. If it suits you to workout at your home and if you can afford, buy an exercise cycle; otherwise you can attain same benefits by jogging.

(Mohammad Nadir Kamboh, Lahore)

Research, observation and experience reveal that people of different ages suffering from high blood pressure and stress, have been successful to considerably reduce the severity of their diseases through different exercises. Workout also reduces the chances of other ailments of heart and blood vessels and you feel more active and stronger. The increase in your energy level improves your performance while medicines do not yield these results.

What exercises reduce blood pressure? The answer is that all types of workouts reduce blood pressure. May those be walking, jogging, swimming, climbing up and down the stairs, cycling, lifting up heavy things or doing exercise with particular tools or machines, all help in reducing blood pressure. In short, whatever method of workout comes into your mind will be helpful to reduce blood pressure and stress. However, to achieve better results you can select those exercises which you think are more suitable for you and while doing those you feel ease and joy.  For this purpose you do not have to force yourself. Even through light exercises, we breathe faster and perspire which increases absorption of oxygen in the blood, whereas salts are expelled from the body. These two things are the reasons to reduce the blood pressure. An interesting thing is that workout is not harmful even for the patients of blood pressure. Workout also improves the function of glands while decrease in commotion, lessens the adrenalin discharge which moderates the heart beat and nerves. Thus the chances of heart diseases and high blood pressure automatically decline. 

After developing the habit of workout, one feels fresh and gets better sleep. It also helps to normalize sugar and cholesterol level because due to workout, an hormone produced in the pancreas known as insulin, circulates in a better way in the body.

Is vigorous workout a must?

Though it is a common perception that the more one sweats, the greater is the reward. But it is not necessary in terms of workout. It is not a must to workout vigorously to control blood pressure or stress. In fact, for some people light exercises are more effective for this purpose instead of difficult ones. Individuals, who walk for at least twenty minutes while going to work, suffer less with complaints of blood pressure. In case of adopting other methods of workout for this purpose, about half an hour for four days a week is good enough. It means that, by giving one and half or two hours in a week to work out, you can keep save yourself to a great extent from blood pressure medicines. Thus while avoiding many other imperfections as well; you can adopt a healthier lifestyle.

How to commence workout?

If you are not already used to workout at all, walking is best in the starting. It is also important that you particularly go for walk. If you use transport to go somewhere, and when the distance is such that can be covered within 20-30 minutes by walking, then go there by foot. Make it your life style, this is how workout will automatically become part of your life and you will not have to make any special programme for it. You can begin work out with less duration and increase slowly and gradually. Take a decision while keeping in mind your own ease, convenience and patience. If circumstances permit and you have time, you can gradually start doing slightly tougher exercises as well. Just like some people have to take a higher dose of medicine to control their blood pressure, similarly some people need to do additional workout for this purpose. For example obese individuals with chronic blood pressure ailment have to workout vigorously to get rid of it but for this, they have to increase the timing gradually. In the beginning they should start with three days a week, then four days, then five and gradually develop the habit of daily workout. 

Selection of workout:

Obviously your life style, convenience and resources are very important while selecting the kind of workout you can do. If it suits you to workout at your home and if you can afford, buy an exercise cycle; otherwise you can attain same benefits by jogging. If a swimming pool available, then swimming is the best workout for you. If you are in vicinity of hills, climbing up and down is also a good exercise. In the beginning of workout, you will feel your heart beat and blood pressure increasing, but it is actually the beginning of their normal functioning. Workout is not only necessary for the people who suffer from the ailments of blood pressure and stress; you can also adopt the habit of workout in order to avoid them and many other diseases.

Take out time for workout:

It is often observed that people make many excuses for not doing workout like; they are very busy or they get tired after the workout.  However, the reality is that when you start doing workout, you actually feel tired in the initial days as your body is not prepared for it. But if you make it your habit to workout regularly, you will discover that it will make you more energetic and you will become more active in your life. It increases the ability of producing energy manifolds in your body. When workout becomes part of your routine, you look more fresh and energetic and your skin glows. You will feel that your life is in your control. You will develop the feeling of being stronger and potent, and it will augment your self-respect in your own eyes. 

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